About Francisca Bronwyn


Francisca's Story

From Personal Struggle to Empowering Others:


From a young age, I was immersed in a world where the profound power of love, understanding, and forgiveness was not just taught but lived. Growing up with a father deeply rooted in social  psychology and a mother who radiated spiritual wisdom, I navigated an environment rich with intellectual and intuitive insights. It was like living between the worlds of Freud and Jung, shaping my ability to mediate between conflicting viewpoints and personalities.

As the mediator between my parents, I was constantly challenged to navigate their dynamic. Passionately engaged in their own journeys of self-discovery, my father’s insights and my mother’s wisdom provided me with a unique blend of perspectives. As a "peacemaker" personality type, it was essential for me to find my own refuge. Retreating into journaling and art kept me sane and connected to my own spirit. This practice became a lifeline, drawing me out of the darkest places throughout my life.

Ultimately, it earned me an unofficial degree in family diplomacy, making me realize that the universal power of love, understanding, and forgiveness—and the ability to put myself in others' shoes—is the only true path to peace. Even Freud and Jung might have approved.

However, despite these rich influences, I lacked the right role model for a partnership that would have enabled me to flourish. Rather than flourishing and developing my own inner leader, I married one. The pain of this unfulfilled potential caused me to numb myself, losing touch with my true self as I fell into the roles of mother and wife. Yet, through this union, I met my greatest teachers—my daughters. The birth of my first daughter awakened my purpose. Her arrival was a clarion call to heal my unresolved issues with my own mother, ensuring I did not project my unhealed wounds onto her. Embracing motherhood ignited my carpe diem instinct; I had something profound to live for.

With the arrival of my second daughter, I felt complete as a mother. The seeming loss of my inner leader went hand in hand with receiving life’s biggest gifts—my children. This paradox deeply informs the empathetic, healing presence I bring to my coaching practice today.

The pivotal moment in my journey came with the profound loss of my sister and, four and a half years later, my mother. These losses were not just emotional blows but also profound lessons in the psychosomatic connection between mind, body, and spirit. My sister’s breast cancer and my mother’s bone cancer were not only medical conditions but also mirrored unresolved emotional conflicts and traumas. If my mother hadn't been so ill, I might never have found the courage to leave the oppressive dynamics of my relationship. It felt as if my inner voice was warning me, "If you don't break free from this self-imposed oppression, you'll be the next to fall." My higher self had found the ultimate leverage, pushing me towards a path of deeper authenticity with a rather dark but effective ultimatum. In hindsight, my mother and sister's mission to empower women had overachieved brilliantly, leaving me with no choice but to rise and grow.

In those years, I had become adept at tucking my truth safely behind the role of wife, finding comfort in the illusion of security it provided. However, hiding one's true self in this way is inherently oppressive. In the wake of my sister's death, I vowed to live authentically for both of us. This commitment marked my return to truth and catalyzed a profound evolution. I dedicated myself to mastering skills to heal from the toxic patterns passed down through generations—ancestral trauma—and rewire my brain, liberating myself from conventional expectations—including waiving alimony to embrace true independence. Let me tell you, nothing says "I'm serious about my independence" quite like waiving alimony.

My journey led me to break free from the matrix of the mind and the terror barriers that once held me back. Today, I am not just surviving; I am thriving, free from the fear of lack and enriched by the wonderful clients I have the privilege to guide. My path has shown me that liberation is not just a dream but a reachable reality.

Now, I dedicate my life to shining my light and reminding others, especially Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs), that they too have an inner authentic leader and a healing light waiting to be unleashed. Through Bliss Keys™, I offer a sanctuary where individuals can embark on their healing journeys, rewire their narratives, and achieve profound personal and professional transformations. My own journey to becoming my own leader—even if it sometimes felt like stumbling in the dark—allows me to guide others with authenticity, empathy, and a deep understanding of the transformative process.

Join me at Bliss Keys™, where we don’t just dream of a better self—we create it. Together, we can build a better world from within. I am truly excited about the journey ahead.

Transformative Testimonials from Our Clients

Maria B., Founder of Wonderkids, CA: "I have no words to express what Francisca’s journeywork did for my life and, by default, the lives of my children. At a time when I felt as though I would not be able to overcome a most terrible grief, depression and pain; Francisca, with all her empathy and wisdom of the inner self was able to draw me back out in giving me a new meaning for my life. The experience provides for a powerful awakening, such that her devotion and love of humanity makes a visit essential and necessary for any growth or understanding of one’s soul." 



Our Mission and Vision

We are honored to connect with the world's most influential leaders who are Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs). Our aim is to help you shine your light even brighter and gently release any old patterns that may be weighing on you. By embracing authentic leadership and focusing on your higher self, your vulnerability and open heart can guide you to move mountains. We believe that together, we can create transformative ripple effects that inspire and elevate communities globally. Your journey and impact are profoundly important, and we are here to support you in making the greatest difference in the world you can.


Philosophy & Expertise


Explore the guiding principles, deep expertise, and unwavering dedication that form the foundation of the transformative approach at Bliss Keys™. Our commitment to guiding you on your journey to self-discovery, alignment, and authentic living is shaped by a profound understanding of surrendering to one's calling and a higher power.

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