My Qualifications

Accredited Journey™ Master Practitioner (since 2006)

As an accredited practitioner, I guide you through the Journey™ methodology, a transformative healing process that uncovers the deep-seated emotional roots shaping your life choices. This path isn't just about healing—it's about unlocking the extraordinary potential within you.

Licensed Spiritual Health Coach (since 2011)

In my practice, I combine timeless spiritual wisdom with contemporary coaching techniques to address the entirety of your being—mind, body, and spirit. This holistic approach not only focuses on detoxifying your body and decluttering your physical environments but also extends to resolving unhealthy and toxic relationships. I believe that at the core of every physical, psychological, and emotional issue is a spiritual misalignment.

However, the depth of exploration into these spiritual dimensions depends entirely on your comfort and readiness. I do not push this perspective unless it is something you express a desire to delve into. My approach is client-centered, respecting how deeply you wish to engage with the work. This ensures that our sessions are not only effective but also aligned with your personal journey and goals. By creating a supportive and adaptable environment, I guide you through a transformative process tailored to foster your growth, clarity, balance, and authentic self-expression.

Certified Dream Builder Life Coach (since 2013)

I specialize in guiding you through a structured process designed not merely for setting goals but for manifesting the life you have envisioned from a deeply soul-directed place. This program is about much more than achieving surface desires; it’s about aligning your daily life with your deepest values and the essence of who you truly are. Here, we transform aspirations into realities by focusing on a vision of life that emerges from the freedom and authenticity of being your true self. This approach ensures that the life you build is not only fulfilling but also a true reflection of your innermost being and purpose.

Endorsement by Pat Kendall, Ph.D., Senior Journey Practitioner

"Francisca’s Journey Practitioner Program Case Studies Assessment: It’s such an honor to soak in the clarity, tenderness and deep, deep Grace of your case studies. You are truly “letting Source do the doing,” and this is allowing you and your clients to move deep, deep beneath the surface issues they bring in. I salute your gentleness and flexibility, and sense your special gift for working with mind types will be put to use. Bravo and a deep Namaste." 

Read about the Bliss Keys Method

Continuous Growth and Expertise

PhotoReading Whole Mind System

While I employ the PhotoReading system to enhance my personal learning experiences, tapping into the subconscious mind’s rapid information absorption capabilities, this is just one facet of how I stay at the forefront of educational techniques. More importantly, this practice has augmented my natural intuitive abilities, which remain a fundamental guide in my work. My knack for sensing the energy and deeper truths of situations has evolved into a finely honed skill through years of deep inner work—both on myself and with my clients since 2006. Using PhotoReading has helped open and expand my cognitive capabilities, which I believe has enhanced my direct access to intuitive wisdom. This holistic approach ensures that I am not just absorbing information quickly, but integrating it in a way that enriches my intuitive consultations and coaching sessions.

MindMapping Whole Mind System

My MindMapping certification enhances my ability to organize thoughts and strategies efficiently, boosting both creativity and problem-solving skills in my personal journey and coaching sessions.

‘Kawa Ariki The Goddess Returns’ Maori Bodywork

Trained in this unique Maori healing practice, I integrate physical and spiritual healing techniques into my wellness routine, deepening my connection to Earth's energies and enhancing my ability to guide you through comprehensive transformations.


Living My Teaching

I believe in embodying the techniques I teach. My continuous personal development ensures that I can authentically guide you, reflecting back the vision of your higher self. My journey is a testament to the power of genuine, ongoing transformation, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to living the dream.


Why This Matters

Choosing to work with me means engaging with a coach who not only teaches but lives the principles of transformation every day. This alignment enhances the trust and effectiveness of our sessions, providing you with a coach who is not just an instructor, but a fellow traveler on your path to personal fulfillment.